Polar Bear

An OG Filming Production,
in association with
Kanrac Entertainment

Directed by: Russell A. Crews

Written by: Kansas Bradbury

Genre: Comedy

Tag line: "How can a simple trip to the pet store affect two roommate's relationship? When you find out what they sell at this pet store, you'll know how."

Plot Outline: As roommates Adam and Dave don't get along very well. Dave tries to make the relationship amicable but fails in his attempt. Well, for Adam, a trip to the pet store may solve his problem. Completely by accident.

Background: This short film was shot on the same day as "Mailing Cake" and continues to entertain with the dry humor and unexpected surprises. The concept was created from a phone conversation that Phil Goora had with his brother, when Phil was asked what he did earlier in the day, he replied to his brother, without even cracking a smile, "Bought a polar bear".
Click here to see "Polar Bear".

Cast (in order of appearance):
Adam Vaters
Dave Dahr

Runtime: 3 min 36 sec
Country: Canada
Language: English
Color: Colour

Produced by:
Kansas Bradbury
Russell A. Crews
Phil Goora

Nathan O'Brian

Kansas Bradbury
Phil Goora
Nathan O'Brian

Edited by:
Phil Goora

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